Backpackers are usually no stranger to long journeys via coach or train. They are usually the easiest options for travelling from one destination to your next and along with giving you the option to see the scenery along the way, it’s usually the cheapest way of getting around too. Whether your next journey is set to last a couple of hours or a full day, you might be wondering how you could pass the time. After all, looking out of the window can get boring after a while, especially if you’re travelling on your own. Fortunately, there are plenty of options to help you pass the time on a long trip.

Listen to a Podcast
Listening to the same music over and over again can quickly get boring, so if you’re running out of tunes to listen to or just want something different to get into, why not consider finding some interesting podcasts to listen to on your journey? Head to Spotify or Apple Podcasts where you can find podcasts on a huge range of different topics from interesting true crime stories to celebrity gossip, or motivational guides on how to be more successful in your career and other aspects of your life.

Watch a Movie
If you’ve got a couple of movies that you’d like to see but don’t want to waste your data allowance streaming them on your journey, then download the Netflix app where you can download movies and TV shows to watch offline for later. You can download it to your phone or tablet in advance and once you’re on your way, you’ll have a library of things to watch without the need to worry about your internet connection.
Pro tip – Some Netflix packages allow you to download movies to your devices. Great for when you’re offline or in spotty internet

Play Casino Games
If your 4G signal is good or you’re lucky enough to have Wi-Fi on the coach or train you’re travelling on, playing casino games can be a great way to pass some time and be in with a chance of winning some money too. Sign up and play online casino Canada real money games, including firm favourites like poker and blackjack. You can easily play on your smartphone, tablet or laptop.
If spending money is hard on the budget, nothing beats an online game of Chess or Billiards. Or if you’ve got the room, pack a travel sized chess board and make friends!
Read a Book
If you often feel like you never have the time to read all the books that you want to catch up on, a coach or train journey is the perfect chance to get your teeth into that novel you’ve been wanting to read for a while. After all, a journey is a perfect chance to sit back and relax. To make it easier, download the Kindle app or use iBooks on your iPhone so that you don’t have to add more weight to your luggage. If you struggle or tend to get motion sickness while trying to read on public transport, audiobooks are an ideal alternative.
Long journeys on a coach or train are usually the best way to get to your next destination when you’re backpacking, but there’s no denying that they can get boring. What’s your favourite way to pass the time when you travel?