En plein cśur du Vieux-Québec, l’Auberge de la Paix, fondée en 1972, est la plus ancienne auberge de jeunesse de la Vieille Capitale, et fort probablement la plus conviviale et la moins chčre du secteur.
31 rue Couillard, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, G1R 3T4
High season (May 5th to Oct. 14th)- $30,00 (Bedding, breakfast and taxes included) / night
Low season (Oct. 15th to May 4th)– From $26,00 (Bedding,breakfast and taxes included) / night
Private room (1 person): $50.00 (low season), $75.00 (high season)
Private room (2 people): $75.00 (all year)
Private room (3 people): $99 (all year)
***All prices include bedding, breakfast and all taxes.
Open all Year!